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Virtual Connections: Together From a Distance by Everyone

Now Showing with Live Event on August 5th on SooVAC's Instagram:
A Maxwell McInnis Studio Experience

Max will be showing everyone around their very busy little studio while also showing everyone how they create candelabras from some wire, stones, apoxie and hunks of the road. To attend LIVE, please follow SooVAC on Instagram and Instagram will send you a notice when the live studio visit starts. If not, please go to the SooVAC page on Instagram at 7:00PM (CST) on August 5th.

Watch the teaser trailer for the live experience below:


And here's a sneak peek of what Max is working on right now in their studio...

Maxwell McInnis is an artist based in Minneapolis primarily working in sculpture from furniture design to installation work. Their work focuses on a long obsession with things from industrial machinery, roadside attractions, to cell towers and vast farmlands. Their work has been seen at the Gellman Gallery in Providence, RI the Fountain House Gallery in New York and most recently Soo Vac's show Untitled 16. Since the virus outbreak they have been working in their studio in the Q. Arma Building and installed a garden arbor at the FAIR school in Plymouth, MN. Their work can be found at and you can support their work by visiting the shop on their site!  

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