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Writer's picture: SooVACSooVAC

Updated: May 24, 2024

Please join us for meditation sessions in correlation with Toni Gallo's current show, I CAN FEEL THE TRUTH SOMEWHERE. HERE BEYOND FURTHER., on August 17 and 24 at 2PM. Toni will also be leading dialogue from 1-3PM on both dates in addition to the meditations.

I CAN FEEL THE TRUTH SOMEWHERE OVER THERE. HERE BEYOND FURTHER. is a new body of work that is a combination of Toni Gallo's studio practice and her study of mediation as both a yoga instructor and longtime practitioner. Coming together in a multimedia exhibition of painting, sound installation and mediation. The work speaks of the weight we allow external forces to have, distractions and ideologies to tell stories of our identities through the reels of imagery in our comings and goings like an endless tide from our active minds. Her works are suggestive, figurative, landscape abstractions, naturally uncovering paradox through the balance between polished and raw; busy and calm; intuitive and intentional. Each painting is a different path to the same place. Once paradox is reflected back to us, observation begins to extinguish the perception of duality and all things connect.

Toni Gallo is a fiscal year 2019 recipient of an Artist Initiative grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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