I'm With Stupid
Show Runs:
September 17 - October 24th, 2004
In 1993, Bruce Tapola, Melba Price and their then six-year old daughter Oakley exhibited the collaborative installation ‘I Wuv You” at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. The family inhabited (so to speak) the gallery, using painted image, text, and object to create a highly stylized environment that spoke to both familial and evolutionary history.
Ten years later, the family exhibits again, continuing to explore the idea of the family as art. Any individual experiences transition and progression throughout his/her lifetime; it is the unique circumstance of the artist that his work is simultaneously documentation of his progress. For the Tapola-Price trio, work is not simply a document for a single person, but the intricate system that is family; in other words, it is the installation as home video, or vacation slide show.
Artists: Melba Price, Bruce Tapola, Oakley Price