Untitled 3: SooVAC's Annual Juried Exhibition
Show Runs:
June 11 - July 18, 2004
Untitled 3 is Soo Visual Arts Center’s third annual juried show. This show features a wide range of work such as mixed-media installation, painting, sculpture, and photography. This year 21 participants were selected from 150 person applicant pool.
Kemi Ilesanmi, Assistant Curator of Visual Arts, Walker Art Center
Sylvia Chivaratanond, Guest Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago
Larry Bemm, Tiffany Bolk, Jaron Childs, Christa Dalien, Gregory Euclid, Clea Felien, Vito Guiseppe Galisto, Timothy Granlund, Caroline Houdek, Jacob Lunderby, Cherith Lundin, Anthony Marchetti, Liz Miller, Stephen Mohring, Trevor Nicholas, Jon Oken, Margaret Pezalla-Granlund, Gerald Prokop, Mike Start, Tectonic Industries and Peter Haakon Thompson